The Kali Audio LP6/8 2nd Wave is Almost Here
Since we're already teetering on the edge of the festive season, we just can't keep this one to ourselves: the next generation of Kali Audio studio monitors are almost here! So if you're already working on your letter to Santa, these bangers will be well worth a mention.
The Next Gen Kali Audio Monitors
While there are plenty of more budget-friendly studio monitors available these, the first generation LP Series marked Kali out as the masters. Their range of studio monitors offered a far higher performance than the price suggested. The series even managed to gain the hallowed stamp of approval from music-tech guru Glenn Fricker who described Kali's monitor's as 'the best bang for your buck'. The next generation compiles three levelled-up models: the black LP-6, the white LP-6, and the black LP-8. The LP-8 comes armed with the biggest woofer and is built for heavier lifting and all three models boast improvements across the board, including considerable noise reduction. Expectations are high, and if the first generation is anything to go by, they should be.